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The company was set up 5 years ago by two of the Directors of System Software Solutions and Netstore giving the company a foundation of over 10 years IT Security know how. All of our people have a minimum of 5 years IT Security Experience.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Twitter Tweetup @Network_Si

The company I work for have been using Twitter as a Business tool www.twitter.com/Network_Si

We have an automated seach set up for local tweeters on Tweetdeck (third party app for Twitter) and to our suprise we come accross Oldbury Tweeter @simonhamp and @BostinBloke arranging a local intro twitter meeting.

We could see from the tweets Simon was technology focussed having running his Oldbury Business Flipstorm Ltd around the corner from our Oldbury Head office. He was having a tweet conversation with @BostinBloke about a local black country Bostin tea meeting.

Network Si are a business involved in technologies. The black country based head office is also home to many bostin tea drinkers, we felt it would be ideal for us prepare our conference facility room for a gathering of social Media activivists in Business for locals in the black country for mutual opportunities and of course a bostin brew which for those of you not familar with the black country terminology means a cup of tea :)

I sent @simonhamp a tweet joining in with @BostinBloke -After exchanging tweets during the day this concluded with us all having a a "Tweet up" at the Oldbury conferencing facility at Junction 2 of the M5
3 Demuth Way
B69 4LT

This is an informal networking event where we are asking visitors to bring along a gadget :-)

The agenda for tomorrow morning will kick off with a discussion on Social Media as a Business Communications tool. We will have the latest gadgets on display (Fizzbooks) (iTouch) along with technology enthuasts here inside of Network Si on hand to demo..

We are very much keeping an open mind as this is the first tweet up for in the morning with local Birmingham/Oldbury/West Bromwich twitter'ers which myself @Simonhamp and @BostinBloke arranged only last week!!!

It is already getting lots of conversations going internally and externally with a company in America wanting feedback on our tweet up before we have even had it. If you would like to come along and see what it's all about then give me a call direct on 0121 601 7035 or look out for the Twitter updates on the hashtag which will be announced shortly

1 comment:

  1. :D getting excited. I may have a little slide... does your projector take a DVI cable. If so, do I need to bring one?
